Sunday, May 30, 2010

What a week!

Well it has been one week exactly since my last post. And, I haven't even had a second to think about blogging. Two weeks ago Dylan started sleeping 12 hour stretches. He also became very aware of me. He started to pull down the bumper and look for me when I left and entered his room. This resulted in crying at nap and bedtime, something I am not accustomed to. I took this as a sign that he needed to cry himself to sleep (call me stupid). So I set the microwave timer and let him fall asleep on his own. I noticed he was losing his pacifier (binkie as we call it) and was getting a tiny cold. To make everything better, Trevor was traveling so this just might work. So...I yanked the paci! What was I thinking??? 7 days later, he doesn't need that little addictive sucking thing! Thank God! Because I have a 3 year old that is addicted to hers! He can get to sleep on his own, but because of this little cold I am getting up with him once a night. Please tell me this will all be worth it!!! I am praying that in a week we will be healthy, sleeping, and adjusted. This is all a part of this job called being a Mama. I love it, but boy it ain't easy! I do love my kiddos, and my husband he is the best!


Julie, the mama said...

It seems like just as soon as we get one thing mastered, they send another challenge our way, doesn't it?! Sounds like you've got it under control over there though.

Carrie Beth said...

Sounds like he's doing great without it. It will be worth it!!!