Friday, May 7, 2010

So big!

Today was a big day for us! Avery got to go to play with one of her best friends after school today. Avery went home from school with Leighton and her Mom. They went to the park, had a picnic, played, and then got a milkshake. I think Avery was disappointed to see me. She had such a wonderful time and is still talking about it! Dylan and I got a lot accomplished! It was wonderful to have a few extra hours to get stuff done. However, I promised him more playtime next playdate.

Avery and I can hardly wait to have Leighton over to our house. Thanks Jeannna!

1 comment:

Lollipop Girls Two said...

I wish you could have seen the mile wide smiles on both girls from the time I picked them up in the carpool line until we hit the drive-thru window for milkshakes. I had as much fun as they did, just watching them!